
Audacious 3.8.2 - Advanced Audio Player

Audacious 3.8.2 - Advanced Audio Player

Audacious is an advanced, feature rich music player for GNOME using GTK 3 interface. While its one of the best lightweight music player, audacious offers a clean interface, with support for real-time audio effects, visualization, equalizer, lyrics as well as other plugins, themes (including Winamp Classic style), powerful configuration options and multiple playlists organized in tabs.

The latest release Audacious 3.8.2, is a very small release with fixes for the following

A Quick look at Audacious New Features

How to Install Audacious 3.8.x on Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 12.04

--------- Add the Repository --------- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 --------- Update Repository --------- sudo apt-get update --------- Install Package --------- sudo apt-get install audacious
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