Apps - сторінка 2

APKGrabber update Android apps without Google Play
APKGrabber is an application for Google's Android operating system to update installed applications without using Google Play.The application is a for...
AdGuard 3.0 for Android Redesign, Stealth Mode, Custom Filter Lists
AdGuard 3.0 is now available. The new version of the popular content blocker for Android  features a redesigned interface, new stealth mode, support f...
How to block WhatsApp media from appearing in Android's gallery
WhatsApp Messenger supports media attachments just like most messaging apps. Media that you receive is automatically added to the device's gallery by ...
First look at Firefox Lockbox for Android
Firefox Lockbox is a new password manager for Android by Firefox-maker Mozilla designed to provide Firefox Account users with easy access to saved pas...
Joplin is an open source note taking app for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS and Linux
Note taking apps are handy and can be used for simple tasks like jotting down lists, to storing important information. The primary use of such an app,...
Notepads is an open-source text editor with a fluent design
Notepads is the newest text editor on the block, and it looks gorgeous. The developer, Jackie Liu, says he made it to be a fast app which feels like t...
Xpotify is an open-source Spotify client with some nice extra features
As much as I like Spotify, I've always felt that the desktop app was missing something. Maybe it was too distracting, or perhaps it was the pop-up ads...
Newsflow is a free, customizable RSS reader app for Windows 10
Sometimes we may only have time to read the headlines of articles, and if something piques our interest, we read the entire post. This is where RSS re...
Zim is a free, open source, text editor with wiki like features
One unusual text editor which I came across a while ago, was Zim.  This isn't your average text editor. If you have used hierarchical text editors  li...