Google - сторінка 2

Spell Up, new Chrome Experiment that tests your spelling prowess
The English language has been, over the years, developed from several different language families, and being a complete master in English spellings is...
What are the Salaries at Google?
I was just browsing across Facebook when a news article caught my attention. It mentioned about the facilities one gets when working at Google. I did ...
Google Dynamic Remarketing How to opt out of Google targeted advertising
In this post we will see how Google gives away your shopping details to others, what is Google Dynamic Remarketing and how to opt out of Google target...
Useful Google Now Voice Commands you should know
Google has been frequently updating it's voice assistant application Google Now. Most of us are familiar with Apple's Siri, but even Google Now is on ...
Google I'm Feeling Lucky button Cost, Tricks and more
The homepage of contains two buttons just below the text box. The first one says Google Search and the other says “I'm Feeling Lucky“. This...
How to get more Space on Google Drive Tips to free up and create space
Tech giants like Apple, Microsoft and Google offer their own cloud services because they believe cloud service is the future of data storage. Ease of ...
Google Drive Plugin for Office lets you share Drive files from Office programs directly
Google Drive Plugin for Office offers the ability to directly access and open any Office files stored on Google Drive. Apart from this, you'll be able...
Google app for Windows 10 updated Review
Many folks might not know this, but there is an official Google app for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, and it was recently updated to support Windows 10. ...
How to delete recorded Google Now Voice Commands
Whenever, someone uses the most popular voice command, OK Google, to ask Google Now to do something automatically, Google records and stores that comm...