Manjaro - сторінка 3

How to Install Skype on Manjaro Linux
Skype is one of the most popular communication platforms that offer such a great service for free! In fact, it's one of the most popular VoIP (Voice o...
How to Install Spotify on Manjaro
Life itself is like music, right? There's no human being without the passion for music. Whenever you're on gym or a tour, without music, it's incomple...
How to Install Manjaro Linux
In the world of Linux distros, there are numerous ones that you can give your machine a unique touch. With a intuitive user interface and Arch Linux a...
Install Manjaro Linux on VirtualBox
Manjaro Linux is based off of the Arch Linux distribution. It is meant to provide all the benefits of Arch Linux, its modularity, customizability, etc...
How to update and upgrade Manjaro Linux
Manjaro just released their latest OS version - Manjaro 21.0 Ornara, and it's time to make an upgrade. However, if you're new to Manjaro - coming fro...
15 things to do after installing Manjaro
Manjaro is by far one of the most popular and widely recommended Linux distros for beginners. This is why we see so many new users pick up Manjaro as ...
How to install Budgie desktop on Manjaro
Budgie is an elegant and simplified desktop environment that integrates very well with Manjaro. Budgie is developed and maintained by the Solus team. ...
Manjaro 19.0 is here with Linux 5.4 and improved UI
Manjaro Linux has received a new stable update, and today, we're going to be seeing what users should expect from Manjaro 19.0 “Kyria.” As it is a sig...