Python - сторінка 2

Python docstring
The documentation is essential for any programming to understand the code easily. It is used to explain the purpose of using any statement or function...
Python fabric
Linux users must repeatedly perform different types of administrative or general tasks, such as reloading the apache server after making any change, c...
Як використовувати Zip-функцію в Python
У цій статті буде розглянуто посібник із функції “zip”, доступний у стандартній бібліотеці модулів Python. Цей метод дозволяє поєднувати та поєднувати...
Build a dice-rolling simulator in Python
The dice is a simple cube that generates any number from 1 to 6, and the dice simulator is a computer model that rolls the dice for the user. A dice r...
How to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using Python
Both Fahrenheit and Celsius are used for temperature measurement. German physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit is the inventor of the Fahrenheit measure...
How to Use pexpect in Python
pexpect is a popular Python module for doing different types of automated tasks. Different types of interactive applications such as telnet, ssh, ftp,...
Image Processing in Python using Pillow
Images are required to use in many applications for various purposes. One of the essential parts of web applications is the image. Many libraries exis...
Як користуватися Python SimpleHTTPServer
Основним завданням веб-сервера є обробка HTTP-запитів від клієнта. Він чекає HTTP-запитів, що надходять з певної IP-адреси та номера порту, обробляє з...
How to Move the File into Another Directory in Python
The file is used to store data permanently. Sometimes we require to move the file location from one path to another path for the programming purpose. ...