
Add Halloween effects to your images with Google Picnik

Add Halloween effects to your images with Google Picnik

Halloween holidays celebrated during the end of month October in most of the countries like United States, Canada, Ireland, UK etc. So to add some spice to the Halloween holidays, just got a tip for you. You can add Halloween effects to your images.

Lets say you are uploading your Halloween photos to Facebook or sharing it with your friends. Then why not add some Halloween effects to your images and then share it with them ? Your friends may wonder how you made them!

Halloween effects can be added to images using the online image editing tool named Picnik. Picnik is an online tool owned by Google.

To celebrate Halloween, they have added some Halloween effects to the online tool. Just upload your images to Picnik and try out different Halloween effects to your images.

You can add various Halloween effects such as Vampire Eyes, Draculan Dermis, Fangs, Blood Stains, Vampire Scope, Blood Splatter, Wounds and much more.

Check out Halloween Effects with Picknik!

Go here for some cool Halloween themes.

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