
Add MORE features to Windows 7 and Vista with 7Plus

Add MORE features to Windows 7 and Vista with 7Plus

Windows 7 has a great set of features. But wouldn't it be great if you could some more features to it? Like double-clicking on the desktop to open explorer.exe or double-clicking on the taskbar to open the Task Manager?

7Plus is freeware tool for Windows 7 and Vista that adds several such small useful features to the operating system.

Here is a select list of some few features it adds. You can ofcourse chose to disable/enable each of them at will, depending to your tastes.

You can also configure it to create and add your own features.

While our Ultimate Windows Tweaker will help you tweak Windows settings, FixWin will help fix common Windows problems and annoyances, 7Plus adds small but useful new features to Windows.

Home Page: 7Plus.

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