
Better ways to manage & control Volume in Windows 10

Better ways to manage & control Volume in Windows 10

In the early days of Windows, users had limited options when it came down to controlling sound. Such problems are no longer the case and with Windows 10 because we have several tools at our disposal. When it comes down to Windows 10, it's a different beast in comparison with other versions of the operating system. You see, folks can use their smartphones and other devices to control things within the OS, and that's a huge plus from our point of view. 

What we are going to do today, is talk about ways you can control the sound in Windows 10, and none are of the traditional variety. Some might not be overly practical when compared to the regular way of doing things, but we are sure many of you will find them useful in more ways than one. These can be useful if your Windows 10 Volume Control not working.

Alternative ways to control Volume in Windows 10

Controlling the volume in Windows 10 is easy, but it can be easier with other third-party options. No longer will you be limited to just what Microsoft has on offer.

  1. Use StrokesPlus
  2. Use Volumouse
  3. Use an iOS or Android device
  4. Use custom keyboard macros
  5. Use EarTrumpet.

1] Mouse gestures via StrokesPlus

The first tool we're going to look at is StrokePlus. It's a free program that allows the user to control sound by the use of mouse gestures. Folks can program a custom mouse gesture if they wish to do so, and that's great. 

Not to mention, the entire experience was intuitive, so we expect many users to have an easy time when getting things done. Additionally, should the need arise, users can add modifications and extensions to make for a more powerful tool.

2] Control the volume using your mouse wheel with Volumouse

Your mouse wheel is a powerful thing, didn't you know that, Bob? Well, now you do, brother. With the right software on-hand, the mouse wheel can become a great tool for controlling volume in Windows 10. 

To make this work as intended, you will need software known as Volumouse. Now, we understand it works best with another trigger button instead of on its own, so you'll need to remember that before moving forward. 

The folks behind this program are called Nirsoft, and they have developed a few plugins to increase usability.

3] Use an iOS or Android device to do the deed

If you want to control the volume on your Windows 10 computer via a mobile device, then your only options at this time, are Apple's iOS, and Google's Android. 

In order to control the volume on your device via iOS or Android, we suggest downloading PC Remote. This app is available for both mobile operating systems, so visit Google Play and the Apple App Store to download and install it to your respective mobile systems. 

After doing that, it's then time to download and install PC Remote for Windows 10. It can be had by visiting the official website. 

Both the app and the Windows 10 software must be on the same Wi-Fi network if you intend on wirelessly altering volume over Wi-Fi. Alternatively, you could do it over Bluetooth, no problem. 

4] Use custom keyboard macros

One of the best ways to control volume in Windows 10, is to use set keyboard macros via a tool known as AutoHotKey. You simply need to download AutoHotKey, then visit the desktop. From here, right-click, then select New > Text Document. 

Copy the following script into your new Text file: 

#PgUp::Send Volume_Up 3  #PgDn::Send Volume_Down 3

Be sure to save the Text file as .ahk, and from there, run the AutoHotKey script to control your volume by use of keyboard macros.

5] Love open source? Then you'll love EarTrumpet

EarTrumpet is pretty slick in the sense that it gives you more control over the volume control in Windows 10. With this tool, users will gain control over multiple audio input and output options right at their fingertips for a single system.

The program creates a volume panel separate from the Control Panel and Windows 10 Settings. Furthermore, it integrates perfectly with the operating system, almost coming off as a native software, and that's always a good thing from our point of view.

Overall, these are just some of the tools available on the web that are designed for controlling the volume on Windows 10.

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