
Bluetooth Mouse disconnects randomly in Windows 10

Bluetooth Mouse disconnects randomly in Windows 10

One of the common issues which users, including myself, face is that the Bluetooth mouse gets disconnected randomly. I did look around a bit on the Internet and in the computer's settings and was finally able to solve the problem. Today I'll share the steps I took to fix the problem.

Bluetooth Mouse disconnects randomly

The first thing that came to my mind as always was to reinstall the Bluetooth drivers with the latest version available for my model, from the manufacture's website. In my case it is Samsung. The best and clean way to update a driver is to remove the drivers, first from the Device Manager then reinstall the new drivers. To do so:

Then I tested for a few hours, but the problem still persisted. So I looked around the Power Management settings and decided to make a few changes.

Now I tested for a few hours and found that I faced no problems so far. It's been almost a week still no issues. So I can confirm that this resolution actually works.

Have a look at these posts too:

  1. Bluetooth is not working in Windows
  2. Keyboard or Mouse is not working
  3. Bluetooth devices not showing or connecting

I hope you find this helpful. In case if you have an alternative troubleshooting step, please do share it with us under the comments section.

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