
Capture a burst of images with BLINK for Windows Phone from Microsoft Research

Capture a burst of images with BLINK for Windows Phone from Microsoft Research

You may have noticed the feature in professional or SLR cameras, that lets you capture a burst of photographs one after the other. The idea is to get the best possible shot! Microsoft Research has developed and released an app for Windows Phone 8 that lets you do exactly that on your phone.

BLINK app for Windows Phone 8

BLINK captures a burst of images before you even press the shutter, and continues to capture pictures after you've taken your shot. It's no problem if you press the shutter a few seconds too early or too late. Moreover, the advanced image stabilization technology from Microsoft Research removes camera shake and lets you focus on the important parts of the scene.

Using BLINK is very easy as you can see in this video.

With BLINK for Windows Phone 8 from Microsoft Research, you'll never miss the best shot. I did install it and all I can say is that its truly an awesome app!

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