
Change language of Cortana on Windows 10

Change language of Cortana on Windows 10

Cortana speaks in American English, but you can change her language and make her speak in a language you want. Cortana however supports very few languages as of date, but more languages are expected to be added soon. The Cortana supported languages currently are - like American English, British English, German, Italian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese and French.

Change Cortana's language on Windows 10

We have seen how to setup Cortana. Now to be able to change Cortana's language on Windows 10, you will have to first install the language on Windows 10. Once you have done that, click on Options. Here I have taken German language as an example.

Click on Options.

The following setting will open. Here under Speech, you will have to click on Download button next.

The downloading will start.

Once it is completed, you will have to restart your Windows 10 computer.

Once your PC has booted to the desktop, open Settings > Time & Language > Speech. Here under Speech language, you will be able to choose the language you speak with your device, from the drop-down menu.

Select German, and you are set to converse with Cortana in german.

Below this, you are also given the option to recognize non-native accents for this language. Select the check-box if you feel.

Do remember to restart your computer.

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