
Cool Windows 7 on 7 features

Cool Windows 7 on 7 features

Here's a one-stop shopping spot for the 7 on 7 blog series from the past week.  Hopefully, it's given you great ideas on how to start leveraging the new Windows 7 features in your own applications.

Here's a one-stop shopping spot for the 7 on 7 blog series from the past week. Hopefully, the series has given you great ideas on how to start leveraging the new Windows 7 features in your own applications.

The articles cover several new features in Windows including the Taskbar, XP Mode, Federated Search, Extended Linguistic Services, Direct2D & DirectWrite, Sensor & Location API and Multi-touch.

The following features of Windows 7 have been covered:

  1. Windows XP MOde
  2. Windows 7 taskbar
  3. Windows 7 Federated Search
  4. Extended Linguistic Services
  5. Direct2D and DirectWrite
  6. Sensor and Location
  7. Windows 7 Multi-touch features.

Learn how to take advantage of these cool features on the 7 on 7 MSDN Blog.

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