
Create Animated Presentations with AnimationMaker

Create Animated Presentations with AnimationMaker

AnimationMaker recently discovered, is an amazing app that allows you to create animated presentations. You can build a presentation video which can be uploaded to youtube as well as vimeo. Furthermore, you can create a simple, attractive presentation videos and use it to pitch as a crowdfunding campains for your product or project.

For those that have tried other various aniomated video presentation softwares, I do see this as a more promising tool due to its simplicity to help you make a quick animated presentation.

Accordng to the developer, the idea for the AnimationMaker comes from Adobe Edge which is not available anymore.

AnimationMaker Changelog

Youtube Prsentation

How to install AnimationMaker on Ubuntu OS to Create Animated Presentations

wget https://github.com/Artanidos/AnimationMaker/releases/download/v1.2/AnimationMaker-Linux-x86_64-1.2.AppImage sudo chmod a+x AnimationMaker*
# Install Python 2.7 and above if not already installed sudo apt update && sudo apt install python2.7 # Install ffmpeg as well sudo apt install ffmpeg # Change directory to "/home/yourname/animationmaker/plugins". If directory does not exist, then create it cd /home//animationmaker/plugins
# Download the following files wget https://github.com/Artanidos/AnimationMaker/releases/download/v1.2/exportXml.py wget https://github.com/Artanidos/AnimationMaker/releases/download/v1.2/importXml.py #To export to movie wget https://github.com/Artanidos/AnimationMaker/releases/download/v1.2/exportMovie.py

If you find this tool useful and have any request for additional feature, then head over AnimationMaker github page

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