
Create macOS Mojave Bootable USB Drive On Windows 10

Create macOS Mojave Bootable USB Drive On Windows 10

Apple updates its macOS around this time of the year. This year, the latest version of macOS has been named Mojave. Currently available for all supported Mac machines, the macOS Mojave is the latest version of macOS.

macOS Mojave bootable USB from Windows 10/8/7 PC

The macOS Mojave bootable USB can be prepared on a Mac without the help of third-party tools, just like how Windows bootable USB can be prepared from Command Prompt. However, if your Mac device is not bootable, you can prepare macOS Mojave bootable USB right from Windows PC as well.

In this guide, we will see how to create macOS Mojave bootable USB drive on a PC running Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7.

What you will need:

# macOS Mojave DMG file

# A USB flash drive with at least 16 GB of storage

# A PC running Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7

# Trial copy of TransMac (no need to download now)

Once you have all items mentioned above, you can make macOS Mojave bootable USB on a Windows PC. In this guide, we're creating macOS Mojave bootable USB on Windows 10, but you can use the same procedure on Windows 8 and Windows 7 as well.

Guide to prepare macOS Sierra bootable install USB on Windows 10/8/7

NOTE: The guide was originally written to prepare macOS Sierra bootable USB but it works with the latest macOS Mojave as well.

Step 1: Connect a USB drive with at least 16 GB of storage space to your Windows PC and move all data from USB drive to a safe place as the drive will be erased while preparing macOS Mojave bootable USB.

Step 2: Visit this page of TransMac and download the latest version of TransMac software on your PC. TransMac is a paid software but the 15-day trial copy can be used to prepare bootable USB without any issues. That said, if you often need to prepare macOS bootable USB from Windows, you should go ahead and buy the software.

Once the TransMac is downloaded, double-click on the setup file to run the installer and get it installed on your PC.

Step 3: Run TransMac software as administrator. To do so, type TransMac in Start menu search box, right-click on TransMac entry in search results, and then click Run as administrator option. When you see the TransMac Trial dialog box, Click Run button.

Alternatively, you can navigate to TransMac entry in Start menu, right-click on it, and then click Run as administrator option.

Step 4: Once TransMac is launched, in the left pane of the program, you will see the connected USB drive that you want to use to prepare macOS Mojave bootable USB. Right-click on the USB drive and then click Format Disk for Mac option.

Click Yes button when you see the warning dialog box.

This is because, if you have been using a USB flash drive with Windows operating system, the USB drive is likely using MBR partition type. So we need to partition the USB drive with GPT partition first before transferring the DMG file to the USB drive.

Step 5: Clicking Yes button will open Format Drive for Mac dialog box where you need to type a name for the drive. Since we are preparing Mojave bootable USB, let's name the drive as Mojave install drive.

When you see the warning message again, click Yes button to continue and format the drive for Mac.

Step 6: Once the format is done, right-click on the USB drive again, and then click Restore with disc image option.

Click Yes button when you see the following warning dialog box.

Step 7: Clicking the Yes button will open Restore Disk Image to Drive dialog box. Under Disk image to restore section, click the small button with drive icon on it (refer to the picture below) to browse to macOS Mojave DMG file. Select the DMG file and then click Open.

Finally, click OK button.

Step 8: When you see the warning dialog box, click the Yes button to begin preparing your macOS Sierra bootable USB. The bootable USB should be ready in about 30 minutes. In our test, the tool took close to 45 minutes, though.

Once the bootable USB of Mojave is ready, you can connect it to your Mac device and begin installing macOS Mojave from it. Good luck!

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