Windows Apps

DocuSign lets you lets you sign document electronically

DocuSign lets you lets you sign document electronically

DocuSign as the name signifies, is an electronic signature service which facilitates electronic exchanges of signed documents and contracts. It lets you sign document electronically from anywhere, anytime. The DocuSign app for Windows 8.1 are available for download in the Windows Store. DocuSign for Windows 8 is perfectly safe and legal way to sign the digital documents electronically. You can sign any kind of documents anywhere, anytime on any device, may it be employment forms, NDAs, lease or rental agreements, invoices, bills, contracts, work orders or anything else.

Know more about DocuSign and see how easy it is to send, sign and store documents digitally.

DocuSign app for Windows 8

To start with the service, you first need download and install the app on your system and login to it.  You can create a new account at DocuSign or can also login with your Microsoft account or any other Social ID.

Sending a Document for Digital Signature

Upload the document from your computer system or from any cloud storage services. Make sure the document is in the common formats like MS Word, MS Excel or PDF etc.

Add recipients. You can add them from your saved contacts or can type the email address manually.

Write the subject and message if any. Next, insert the DocuSign tags to indicate where you need the digital signature and click on 'Send'.

The program will then mail the documents to the recipients added.

Remember… do not forget to set the reminder which will keep reminding the recipients to sign the documents.

Sign document electronically

Open the document from your email. The simple instructions with document will guide you through signing process. Follo it and then sign the document and click on 'Finish'.

Manage and Track the Documents

Tracking the documents is equally simple. Just go to your dashboard on DocuSign and click on 'Documents'. Here you can see or edit all the documents you have sent or received for digital signature.

The dashboard also lets you create your signature or upload a picture of your signature. The documents in DocuSign expire in 120 days and the recipients are warned zero days before it expires.

Overall DocuSign is a wonderful service which lets you storing, sending and signing from any internet ready device. Login to your DocuSign account and start sending your documents for digital signature. One plus point of this app or service is that the recipients don't need to have a DocuSign account to sign and return your document.

You can download it from the Windows Store.

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