
Download German Landscapes, Mountains and Sea theme for Windows 7

Download German Landscapes, Mountains and Sea theme for Windows 7

After releasing two beautiful themes capturing the beauty of Australia, Microsoft has now released two themes capturing Germany and its Scenary. The beauty of Germany and its mountains and seas have come out very well in these two themes from Microsoft. The shorelines, mountain ranges, fields, lakes, cottages have been beautifully captured and come alive as wallpapers on your Windows 7 computer.

A rustic cabin under a rich carpet of stars, a weathered bridge over a country stream, delicate pink tendrils of cloud in a twilight sky, and fields of golden wheat in the afternoon sun: The best of Germany's natural beauty is featured in this free theme for Windows 7.

Download: German landscapes theme | German Mountains and Sea theme.

If you wish to simply use the wallpapers, after you have applied the theme you will find them in this folder:


Like all theme packs, these too can be used only on Windows 7 Ultimate, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise editions, but you could extract the wallpapers if you like them and use them on your desktop. Go here if you want to learn how to make a Windows 7 themepack.

If you'd like to see your art on such themes, you can submit your art, photographs and creations to Windows Personalization Gallery.

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