
Download Windows 8 Accessibility Guide from Microsoft

Download Windows 8 Accessibility Guide from Microsoft

Microsoft has released an Accessibility Tutorials and a Fact Sheet for Windows 8 and it is now available for download from the Microsoft Download Center. The guide discusses the Accessibility features and options available in Windows 8.

Windows 8 includes accessibility options and programs that make it easier to see, hear, and use your computer including Ease of Access and Personalization options. One of the most exciting aspects of Windows 8 is the introduction of touch-only devices. With touch devices, you can directly interact with everything on your screen by touch, without using a keyboard or mouse, including managing accessibility options in the Ease of Access Center.

The Windows 8 Accessibility documents available for download includes a customer ready, printable Fact sheet in PDF, as well as an 88 page Accessible file in both PDF and .docx, which provide an overview of Accessibility in Windows 8 including new features available in Windows 8 Accessibility, viz:

  1. Ease of Access
  2. Personalization
  3. Mouse and Keyboard
  4. Keyboard Shortcuts.

You can download the Windows 8 Accessibility Guide here.

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