Social Media

Experience a smarter Twitter with ManageFlitter

Experience a smarter Twitter with ManageFlitter

Sometimes managing social media accounts becomes difficult due to your over enthusiasm and addiction for them. What to say about Twitter? We can understand that you are busy tweeting about different things happening around you, and also actively following a huge number of people similar to you. It's obvious that your Twitter timeline will probably start flowing rapidly, and due to this you might lose some really important tweets.

We have an online remedy which will allow you to quickly and easily manage your Twitter account along with all of your Twitter followers. You can use ManageFlitter - an online tool to quickly identify people you are following. Your followers will be sorted according to the profiles which are inactive, quiet, or do not follow you and you can simply unfollow them, if you wish.

ManageFlitter provides you certain tools that boosts up the performance of your Twitter experience. You can easily sort out your followers/following list with the help of a specific criteria. You can also find some new people with its comprehensive search facility.

The PowerPost feature allows you to find out when most of your followers are online. So you can easily schedule your tweets appropriately. Tracking who has unfollowed you on Twitter was never an easy task, but no more! ManageFlitter allows you to find out the history of  people who no longer exist in your followers list.

Features of ManageFlitter:

- Follow: This tool allows users to filter or track the record of another person's followers and also notifies when you get new followers on Twitter.

- Unfollow: This tool immediately notifies you when the people you are following do not follow you back. You can also track the people you are following and find out if they are inactive, have no profile image, etc. It provides a criteria which includes influence, date of followers and many more attributes for you.

- PowerPost: As we said earlier, you might lose some of the important tweets in the crowd. In such situations PowerPost does a fantastic job. It has a unique interface that determines the best time to post Tweets according to your Twitter account.

- Search: This tool provides you an efficient search facility. You can filter your search query by keywords, followers, account age, location and much more.

Log on to ManageFlitter! and let us know what you think. If you are already using ManageFlitter, we'd love to hear your comments about it.

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