
Fix Sorry, this app is no longer available on Windows Store

Fix Sorry, this app is no longer available on Windows Store

One of the common issues being reported lately, is the error message many receive Sorry, this app is no longer available when trying to download an application from the Windows Store, even when the app is actually available in the Windows Store. I saw a lot of threads on the Internet about this error message. So I decided to do some research, read a lot of threads in different forums and finally came across a fix to resolve this problem.

In some cases, an app might be removed from the Windows Store for violating the Terms of Use. When this happens, you'll receive an email notifying you that the app will no longer be available in the Store. The app will still appear on your PC if you installed it, but to help protect your safety, it will no longer work, says Microsoft.  But if this is not the case, read on.

Sorry this app is no longer available

Image Courtesy: Microsoft Answers

Apparently Windows released a security update KB2862768. There are about 15 issues addressed by this update, including two stop errors in various conditions.  This update applies to Windows RT, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2012.

Well it is this update, which is causing this issue. Yes, there is a glitch in this update which breaks the function of the Windows Store. I searched for a lot of fixes to this problembut nothing helped. A few users called Microsoftand they were able to reproduce this problem, so we can expect a fix for it soon. So how to resolve this for the time being? Any workarounds? Well the only way to resolve this problem is to remove this update.

Here is how you can remove this update:

Now that the update has been successfully removed, open the Windows Store and try to install any Windows Store application. It should work again.

We'll update you once Microsoft releases a fix for this problem.

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