
Folder Actions for Windows automates the task of managing Files in a Folder

Folder Actions for Windows automates the task of managing Files in a Folder

Mac OS has a built-in feature that automates folder actions thereby cutting short the repetitive task of creating folders for managing various files. This helps save both, time and efforts. The same feature however, is lacking in the Windows OS, but by using Folder Actions for Windows, you can get the power to perform certain actions like copy, move, rename, convert, compress, etc, files in a folder by simply by dragging and dropping them onto a particular folder…

Folder Actions for Windows

When you download and install this application, you may find that during installation, it will try to install third-party crapware. So be alert and don't just click on Next-Next.

Once Folder Actions for Windows is  installed, launch the app. It will silently run in the background and drop a notification icon in the system tray. Double-clicking this icon will launch a control panel through which you can specify the folder and the required actions.

You can access settings window by right-clicking and selecting 'Change Settings' from the context menu.

Similar to Mac, Folder Actions will allow a user to perform actions on files soon after they are dropped in a folder. Launch Folder Actions and search for the '+' icon in the upper left corner. Click on it and a window will show up, where you can browse the folder that you wish to be under the command of Folder Actions.

You can add multiple folders and specify separate actions for each. The application allows you to trigger the following actions:


Light on resources i.e. it doesn't consume much space. It silently and peacefully converts/processes images or videos in the background. It has a simple layout.
Requires no Internet connection


Conversion options are limited.

Folder Actions for Windows is free for home and educational use, and you can download it from here.

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