
Google Font Directory offers hundreds of web safe fonts

Google Font Directory offers hundreds of web safe fonts

Web safe fonts are fonts that are most likely to be present on computer systems. These are thus used by web designers to increase the likelihood that the content will be displayed in their chosen font. If a visitor to a website does not have the specified font, their browser will attempt to select an alternative to it.

Web fonts are served via a browser request, much like an image would be served. That means you can push any web font to a user's machine.

Arial, Times, Courier, Verdana are some of the web safe fonts. The most legible fonts are Arial, Courier, and Verdana.

Earlier, when you created a website or a web app, you were largely limited to a few select “web safe” fonts such as Times, Arial, Verdana, etc. With Google Web Fonts it is now possible to use hundreds of web safe fonts on your web pages.

The Google Font Directory lets you browse all the fonts available via the Google Font API. All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and are served by Google servers.

Google Web Fonts allows you to simply choose the fonts you'd like to use on your webpage, blog, or web app, and embed the snippet of HTML and CSS. In about 30 seconds, you can have beautiful fonts on your pages that will render correctly in the large majority of popular modern web browsers.

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