Notification Area

How to disable Quick Action icons in Windows 10 Action Center

How to disable Quick Action icons in Windows 10 Action Center

If you do not have much use for the Quick Action icons in the Action Center of Windows 10, you can easily remove or hide those 4 displayed buttons. The Notification & Action Center on Windows 10, displays important notifications in the top part and provides buttons that let you perform important actions quickly.

By default, the Action Center displays 4 Quick Actions, with an arrow that lets you Expand or Collapse the Action Center in order to show more than 4 buttons. The new operating system even allows you to choose & arrange the Quick Actions to display - but if you wish you can also hide the displaying of these 4 Quick Actions as follows.

Disable Quick Action icons in Action Center

To remove or disable Quick Action icons in Windows 10 Action Center, Run regedit and navigate to the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\ActionCenter\Quick Actions

In right-side pane, you will see PinnedQuickActionSlotCount DWORD. Double-click on it and in the box which opens up, change its value from 4 to 0.

Exit Registry and restart your Windows Explorer.

You will now see that the displayed 4 Quick Action icons have disappeared and you see a blank space. The Expand or Collapse arrow will of course still allow you to toggle showing of the Quick Actions.

In this way, you can hide the 4 displayed Quick Action ions from the Action Center if you wish.

What is the use? Nothing really. It is just something which Windows 10 lets you do.

If you wish, you can even go a step further and disable the entire Notification and Action Center in Windows 10.

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