
How to install GIMP 2.10 GNU Image Manipulation Program on Linux

How to install GIMP 2.10 GNU Image Manipulation Program on Linux
Gimp, aka GNU Image Manipulation Program, is a multi-platform and open-source tool that is used in photo editing, graphics designing, and making illustrations. It comes with all the tools that a designer or a photographer needs-being open-source means open to customization. Gimp supports many third-party plugins that help to enhance productivity. Gimp is undoubtedly the best alternative to paid commercial applications like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.

There are different approaches to get it on an Ubuntu device. Let's check all of these approaches one by one:

Installing GIMP on Linux using Software store:

The first method is simple, open the Ubuntu software store and search “GNU Image Manipulation Program,” as shown in the images below:

To begin the downloading and installation process of Gimp, click on the “Install” button:

Once the downloading and installation is completed, search gimp in the applications:

Open It:

Installing GIMP on Linux using PPA Repository:

The second approach is for terminal users. To download and install Gimp, you need to copy and paste the below-mentioned command:

$sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp

Update the packages database using:

$sudo apt update

Now, to install Gimp, type the command mentioned below:

$sudo apt install gimp

Gimp will be installed on your Linux device; search it in applications:

Installing GIMP on Linux using Flatpak:

Flatpak is another new package deployment and management utility. Gimp can also be installed using Flatpak. To install Gimp using flatpak, first install flatpak utility using command:

$sudo apt install flatpak

After getting it installed, copy the below-mentioned command in the terminal and press the return key:

$flatpak install

It will ask for permissions. Press “Y/y” to continue the process:

After installation, Gimp probably won't be viewed in the applications. To run Gimp, use the command:

$flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP//stable

Or try rebooting using:

$sudo reboot

After restarting the Gimp application will appear in the applications menu:

Uninstalling Gimp 2.10 from Linux:

If you have installed Gimp using the software store, then again open the software store, search gimp, and click on the remove button to delete the application.

If you have installed Gimp using PPA, then type the below-mentioned command:

$sudo apt remove gimp

If you want to completely remove Gimp, use:

$sudo apt remove --autoremove gimp

If the Gimp is installed using flatpak, then use the following command to delete Gimp from Linux:

$flatpak uninstall gimp

After running the above command, three options will appear, select the appropriate option (number 1-3) and press “Enter” to continue the deletion process.

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