
How to Install uGet on Ubuntu 20.04?

How to Install uGet on Ubuntu 20.04?

The uGet is a very lightweight, simple, and popular download manager among the community. It is an open-source and multi-platform application used in Windows and macOS, and even in mobile devices. It allows downloading multiple files simultaneously and queuing the files for downloading, so whenever a download completes, the queued downloads will start. Similarly, it allows many other features like:

Let's begin with the easiest and simplest way to install uGet Download Manager on Ubuntu 20.04.

Installing uGet on Ubuntu 20.04:

The latest and stable version of uGet Download Manager is available in the Official APT repository of Ubuntu and can easily be installed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system.

In order to install the latest and stable version of uGet Download Manager, first, fire up your terminal using the shortcut keys (CTRL+ALT+T) on your keyboard and update your system's APT cache repository.

Step 1: Update the system's APT package repository

To update the system's APT cache repository, type the following command:

$ sudo apt update

After updating your system's cache repository, upgrade it as well.

Step 2: Upgrade the system's package repository

To upgrade the system's package repository, type the command given below in your terminal:

$ sudo apt upgrade

Once the system's APT cache is updated and upgraded successfully, install uGet.

Step 3: Install uGet from the official APT package repository

To install the latest stable version of uGet Download Manager from the official Ubuntu's APT package repositories, simply type the command given below in your terminal:

$ sudo apt install uget

You can see that the uGet Download Manager is installed and ready to use.

Step 4: Start the uGet Download Manager

You can easily start using the uGet Download Manager by searching for the “uget” in the activities.

Now run it by clicking on the “uGet” icon.

Here you have a clean, fresh, and elegant look of uGet Download Manager, and you can witness how easy it is to install the uGet Download Manager on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system.

Uninstall or Remove uGet Download Manager from Ubuntu 20.04:

If you want to uninstall or remove the uGet Download Manager due to any reason from Ubuntu 20.04, then the uninstallation command would be like this:

$ sudo apt remove --auto-remove uget

After running the above single command, you can now uninstall or remove the uGet Download manager from your Ubuntu 20.04 LTS system.


In this post, you have learned to install the latest and stable version of uGet Download Manager from the Official Ubuntu Package Repository on Ubuntu 20.04. The uGet is a very sleek download manager and is liked by a lot of users all over the world. On top of that, it is very easy to install and use on Ubuntu 20.04.

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