
How to quickly resize images using Windows 10 Photos App

How to quickly resize images using Windows 10 Photos App

The Photos app comes pre-installed on Windows 10. The utility of this app in viewing images and performing basic editing tasks is well known. For instance, in addition to editing images, splitting videos or merging them together, the Photos app comes with the Resize option which allows changing the image dimensions and reduces the file size as desired.

The app comes equipped with 3 preset options -

  1. S - Small 0.25 MP (Suitable for profile pictures and thumbnails)
  2. M - Medium 2MP (For email attachments and messages)
  3. L - Large 4 MP images (Good for viewing)

Resize images using Photos App

For adjusting image size with Photos App in Windows 10, open the image you want to re-size in the Photos app.

When opened, click 'See More' option visible as 3 dots on the toolbar, and choose Resize.

Instantly, 3 preset options will appear:

These will allow you to resize the image.

Choose the desired option and the app will show you the corresponding reduced size after resizing the image.

Select the desired location to save the resized image, enter a suitable name you want for the image, and hit the Save button.

When done, exit the Photos app.

No matter which digital camera you use, the images captured by it produces quite large files when seen on a computer and other mobile devices.  To save space on a computer's hard drive or to share such images with others via email, you have to resize them to a suitable limit. With Windows 10 Photos App this can be achieved in a few simple steps.

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