Remote Desktop

How to use Windows 10 Remote Desktop in Windows Home (RDP)

How to use Windows 10 Remote Desktop in Windows Home (RDP)

There are many differences between Windows 10 Home and Professional. The Remote Desktop feature is one of them. Unlike the professional version, if you ever try to use the Remote Desktop feature in the home version, you will not be able to do it. In this post, I will share how you can use Windows 10 Remote Desktop in Windows 10 Home. Also, we will suggest an alternative for the best experience.

Using Remote Desktop in Windows 10 Home

Your Home edition does of Windows 10 doesn't support Remote Desktop

It is interesting to note that components and service for RDP server, which makes the remote connection possible, is available in Windows 10 Home as well. However, the feature is disabled or blocked on the Home version. That said, this solution is a workaround that comes from the developer binary master in the form of RDP wrapper library.

Steps to enable Windows 10 Home Remote Desktop feature

  1. Download the latest version of RDP Wrapper library from Github
  2. Run the installation file. It will allow everything that is needed for the remote desktop.
  3. Type Remote Desktop in the search, and you should be able to see the RDP software.
  4. Type in the remote computer name and password to connect with the computer.

Make sure that Remote Desktop Connection is allowed on the computer you want to connect.

I connected from my Laptop which is on the Home version to my desktop which is running Windows 10 Pro. It works flawlessly just like how it works on Pro versions.

Post installation, if you go to Settings > System > Remote Desktop, it will still say that remote desktop is not available. Though, other computers can connect with the Windows Home PC.

How does RDP wrapper library work

So how is it working? RDP wrapper library - the one we just installed, it makes the communication possible as the necessary services are already available on the computer. If you are wondering why didn't Microsoft completely removed it? It's because it is needed for support, and also make third-party services possible.

We know how expensive it is to upgrade Windows 10 Pro from Windows Home. So either you can use this workaround or choose a third-party application. Also, it may not be legal to use RDP wrapper as its modifying some configuration files.

Third Party Remote Desktop Apps

If you are not very confident about the above solution, and maybe it doesn't work for you as expected, choose something else. If you do not want a full-fledged solution, you can select a remote connection via Skype or something similar.

However, if you want a complete solution, it is best to use solutions like TeamViewer. The app is now available in Windows Store as well and makes it possible to use it.

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