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Install pngquant - Lossy PNG Compression App on Linux

Install pngquant - Lossy PNG Compression App on Linux

If you are looking for a simple image compression tool, check out pngquant, a command-line utility and a library for lossy compression of PNG images.

The app conversion reduces file sizes significantly (as much as 70% of original size) whilst preserving the full alpha transparency of the image. All generated images are compatible with all modern web browsers, as well as having a better fallback in IE6 than 24-bit PNGs.

Key Features

  • High-quality palette generation using a combination of vector quantizationalgorithms.
  • Unique adaptive dithering algorithm that adds less noise to images than the standard Floyd-Steinberg.
  • Easy to integrate with shell scripts, GUIs and server-side software.
  • Fast mode for processing large numbers of images.


See Changelog for most recent update

How to install latest pngquant on Ubuntu 16.04

apt-get install git libpng16-dev git clone --recursive https://github.com/pornel/pngquant.git cd pngquant make sudo make install

Visit https://pngquant.org for basic steps on how to use the tool

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