
Manage images and pictures with Microsoft Picture Manager

Manage images and pictures with Microsoft Picture Manager

Microsoft Office 2010 includes a Picture Manager. This tool has basic functions and lets you manage, edit, share, and view your pictures from where you store them on your Windows computer.

The Picture Manager is included in the Office Suite starting with version 2003 and replaced the Microsoft Photo Editor. The file is named OIS.exe and is found in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14 folder.

Using Picture Manager you can crop, expand, or copy and paste images. By using the Picture menu, you can change how your pictures look. You can adjust the Brightness and contrast, Color, Crop it, Rotate or flip it, remove Red-eye effect, Resize it and Compress the picture too.

Sharing pictures is easy too. You can send pictures in e-mail messages or create a SharePoint picture library on your corporate intranet.

To open it, you can right-click on an image and select Open with - Microsoft Office 2010 or type Picture manager and hit Enter.

Visit Microsoft if you need more help with it.

Have you used the Picture Editor, or do you prefer an other image editing tool?

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