
Manage Your Twitter with a Colorful Social Media Dashboard with Twimbow

Manage Your Twitter with a Colorful Social Media Dashboard with Twimbow

Colors make things easier to distinguish. With this very idea, some developers have come up with a beautiful and colorful online client for Twitter - Twimbow. It is a web application that aims to enhance your Twitter experience with colors, making it easier to monitor the people you follow.

It uses the newest technologies available, a fast interface built of HTML5, CSS3 and core made in PHP. A Node.js server manages live connections. The application besides just adding colors to your tweets, allows interacting with friends, filtering groups, distinguishing different type of messages and catching important tweet among the others.

Before you start, you will be required to fill in few details using your Google or Yahoo! Account, essential for signing up. Doing so authorizes the app to work with your Twitter account.

Twimbow then automatically adds colors to tweets and displays them. The main screen is divided into three main columns:

  1. Personal Buzz (your tweets, @ replies, and DMs)
  2. Home Buzz (your main Twitter stream)
  3. Search

Earlier, Twinbow was in private beta and required an invitation to access, but it is now open to all.

Key Features:

Also, the application is customizable and you can create filters to remove tweets containing keywords from your timeline and lists. Twimbow offers no limit to the number of filters you want to create. It works just fine on Windows 7 too.

Twimbow layout is good, ideal for small screens and comes with a stack of new features. In all, it is an ideal web app for someone who is looking for a way to keep his Twitter stream  organized with color co-ordinate alternatives.

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