Microsoft 365

OneDrive is not provisioned for this user - Officer 365 error

OneDrive is not provisioned for this user - Officer 365 error

Sometimes while adding a new user to the Office 365 installation, you may face an issue where OneDrive isn't working for that user.  When you check the OneDrive settings for this user, it displays an error saying OneDrive is not provisioned for this user. Sometimes, the users are redirected to the Delve user profile page after they click OneDrive on the Office 365 app launcher.

If you are facing such issues, read further to know how to fix those.

OneDrive is not provisioned for this user

First of all, assign the SharePoint Online license to the affected user in the Office 365 admin center. Follow the next steps to assign a SharePoint Online license.

  1. Go to Office 365 admin center
  2. Select Users
  3. Go to Active Users
  4. Now check the user's name in the list of Active users.
  5. Now in the Product licenses section, click Edit.

After that, you can proceed to the steps that resolve the issue of redirection to the Delve user profile page.

How to solve the issue of redirection to Delve user profile page

Follow the steps to grant the affected user the right to create his or her My Sites site in the SharePoint Admin Center. This is because the OneDrive for Business page is created on My Sites.

After that, ask the user to go to the Office 365 portal and click OneDrive in the App Launcher. Check if the user can use OneDrive for business.

If the OneDrive icon still showing to be Setting up in the App Launcher, it is advisable to wait for 24 hours. After that, try accessing OneDrive again.

This procedure should resolve the issue of OneDrive is not provisioned for this user.

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