User Account

Open and Manage Local User and Group Management in Windows 10 Home using Command Prompt or PowerShell

Open and Manage Local User and Group Management in Windows 10 Home using Command Prompt or PowerShell

Windows 10 offers a program - lusrmgr.msc or Local User and Group Management - which allows an administrator to manage local users and groups on the computer. However, the snap-in service is not available for Windows 10 Home users. So if you want to access local user and group Management in Windows 10 Home, then you will have to try some alternatives. These alternatives may not be users friendly but they work.

Open & Manage Local User and Group Management

Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, etc. versions offer programs like lusrmgr.msc, Netplwiz, and even userpasswords2 programs that allow managing users and groups.

Windows 10 Home users with admin privileges can use Command Line Interfaces such as NET LOCALGROUP and Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts to do the same thing.

How to use Net LocalGroup

Here is the complete syntax for this command which you can run over elevated Command Prompt

NET LOCALGROUP [groupname [/COMMENT:"text"]] [/DOMAIN] groupname /ADD [/COMMENT:"text"] | /DELETE [/DOMAIN] groupname name [… ] /ADD | /DELETE [/DOMAIN] 

When you run only “Net Localgroup” it will list all the groups in the Windows 10 PC.

1] Add a user with and without domain

net localgroup  UserLoginName /add
net localgroup users domainname\ /add

2] Create a new group

net localgroup  /add

3] List all users in a group

net localgroup 

4] Remove a user from a group

net localgroup   /delete

5] Delete a user from a group

net localgroup  /delete

PowerShell LocalAccounts Module

PowerShell offers a LocalAccount module which provides 15 cmdlets to manage Windows Users, and Groups. Here is the list:

So if you want to create a new local group, execute the following command

New-LocalGroup -Name "TWC"

To remove a member from a group, run this command:

Add-LocalGroupMember -Group 'TWC' -Member 'ashis'

Using both NET LOCALGROUP and Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts interface, you can manage users and groups easily. These commands are easy to use, but if you want a software-based approach, then try the Lusrmgr tool.

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