
PyCharm Git Integration

PyCharm Git Integration
Over time, Git has turned out to be one of the most popular Open Source Version Control Systems of today. Its speed, simplicity, and efficiency to manage projects and make revisions over distributed systems have made software development a whole lot of easier.

What is Version Control Systems?

Before we head into the details, let's understand what a version control system is. VCS belong to a category of software tools that help programmers manage changes to the software over time. These changes are always kept on track, denoted by letters or numbers in the version control system. This allows software teams to compare source codes, identify differences, and create revisions before writing any new software. Besides, you can also keep a note of which version of the application is currently in development or needs one.

Git and GitHub

Git and GitHub are two terminologies that most software developers confuse nowadays. Git is a version control software but comes in the form of a tool that lets you manage the history of your source code whereas GitHub is a hosting service for projects that use Git.

You don't need a GitHub account to use Git. You can use it independently along with IDEs. Whereas for GitHub, you will need a git repository to control and track tasks, its bugs, and feature requests. It allows sharing your repositories; accessing others' and storing remote copies of your repositories as a backup on the GitHub servers.

Integrating Git in PyCharm

The tutorial below will guide on how to integrate PyCharm's Git features. Instead of performing Git related task independently in a command terminal, PyCharm lets you perform them in the IDE and later link it to your GitHub account.

1.    How to install and configure Git?

To be able to use Git for PyCharm, do the following:

2.    How to Create a Local Git Repository

To create a local Git Repository, follow the procedures below:

3.    How to Add and Commit Files to the Git Repository

4.   How to Add a Remote Repository?

In addition to working on a local repository, you can also create remote repositories to collaborate with developers from all around the world. These will help to fetch and push data whenever you need to share your work.

To define a remote repository:

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