
SyMenu Portable Start Menu Launcher and Replacement for Windows

SyMenu Portable Start Menu Launcher and Replacement for Windows

SyMenu is a free portable Start Menu Launcher and Replacement tool for Windows PC that lets you organize your portable applications easily and  automatically links any application installed on the host computer.

Suppose you are working on something, like say a Word document and in the middle of your work, you feel like playing your favorite song. Unless you have a shortcut pinned to your taskbar, you need to go through a number of steps like open  This PC, then the respective folder and then go to particular music file. SyMenu will generate a Start menu wherever you want it!

Start Menu Launcher and Replacement

Features of SyMenu

You can quickly access any of your files or applications without actually going to a particular file location. Here are some more features of SyMenu that are unique as well as beneficial.

Here is a list of basic functionalities of the SyMenu

How to install and use SyMenu

Installing and using this Start menu replacement tool is quite easy. Follow these steps to launch the app and use it:

It looks like a useful tool - something some of you definitely want to check out. Download it here.

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