System Restore

System Restore disabled by your system administrator or is greyed out

System Restore disabled by your system administrator or is greyed out

If you receive a System Restore is disabled by your system administrator message, this post will help you fix the problem on your Windows 10/8/7 computer.  It happens even to computers which are not a part of a domain or company. The primary reason behind these is incorrect policies and registry entries, but it can be easily fixed.

System Restore disabled by your system administrator

When using Windows 10 Home version, use the registry method, but on Windows 10 Professional, you can use the Group Policy Method. Follow the methods as it suits

If you are using Windows 10 Home and want to enable Group Policy, follow this method.

1] Using Registry Editor

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\ Policies \ Microsoft\Windows NT \SystemRestore

That's it.

Read: System Restore not working, failed, did not complete successfully.

2] Using Group Policy Editor

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > System Restore

You can make all these changes using an Administrative account or Admin password when prompted for it. Make sure to restart the computer for the restore to get enabled.

Also, If System Restore is greyed out or the System Restore tab is missing, then you can fix using this method, or you can follow a more detailed guide. You can enable  System Restore using PowerShell or making sure that it is enabled.

I hope the post was easy to follow, and you were able to enable System Restore if your system administrator disabled it

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