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The All New Stylish Artist Edition of Microsoft Touch Mouse

The All New Stylish Artist Edition of Microsoft Touch Mouse

Microsoft was captivated by the increase in the number of people using the Microsoft Touch Mouse. Microsoft therefore wanted to release a limited-edition graphic for the Touch Mouse that was easy to use. And now, it's here. This mouse is the best answer from Microsoft to the multi-touch Magic Mouse by Apple.

At CES 2011 Microsoft announced the new Touch Mouse with artist's touch from Microsoft. The new Touch Mouse makes interaction with Windows 7 much easier. A New York-based artist Deanne Cheuk, known for her illustrative typography, worked to integrate circuit boards and its symmetry. This new Touch Mouse Artist Edition pattern consists of a calligraphy-like motif which echoes the movement the person performs on the Touch Mouse.

The Touch Mouse Artist Edition navigates faster and easier with multi-touch features of the Touch Mouse a person can use one, two, or three fingers, this is designed specifically for Windows 7. So many Windows 7 features can be used easily with this Mouse.

Microsoft Touch Mouse Artist Edition Features:

The Touch Mouse Artist Edition will be available soon for the price tag of $79.95. The price tag is worth for a special edition mouse by Microsoft, whose hardware gets attention by something special every time they release it.

You can check the complete details and you can even buy online from Microsoft's Official Hardware Website.

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