
TypeWonder Test Google Web Fonts on any website

TypeWonder Test Google Web Fonts on any website

Google Fonts is a large free font repository by the web giant. You can get tons of free fonts to use on desktop as well as websites. If you manage your own blog design, you might want to test the appearance after applying a particular new font. Obviously, it is not recommended to make any change in a live website directly. If you use Local Host to test your new design, this is fine. However, if you do not want to use Local Host to test your design with new font, here is an alternative to that.

Test Google Web Fonts on a website

TypeWonder is a free web app that enables users to apply Google font on any live website virtually. It is the simplest way to test Google Fonts on any website. You do not have to embed any code or do anything else to check the appearance of your website

How to use TypeWonder

This is a 'check & forget' tool. Just go to the TypeWonder website. You will see the following screen.

Enter your website URL and hit the Go button. You will get a pop-up window, which looks like this:

It will ask you to select a font. You can select any font, that you would like to use. You can search for fonts, by popularity, date of release, etc. At the same time, if you cannot find your font quickly, you can search for it specifically as well.

After getting the desired font, click on it and hit the Use button. TypeWonder will take a couple of seconds to show the result after hitting the Use button.

If you do not like the current font and wish to use any other font in preview, just click on Change Font button and select another font in the same process. If you want to use the current font, just click on Get Code button to get the code that you generally need to embed within tag of your website.

Copy the code from the above displayed window and paste it in the right place. After that, you can use that font throughout your website.

If you are working with a team and would like to share a demo of your website after using particular Google font, you can use the Share button. Type Wonder will provide a unique URL for your website.

Applying any change in website design can hurt user experience if it goes wrong. On the other hand, fonts play a vital role in web designing and user experience. Therefore, you always need to check and apply the best font that goes well with overall design.

If you like, you can check TypeWonder at here. It can save your valuable time by showing different Google fonts swiftly, when the manual process consumes a lot of time, even on the Local host.

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