
Unable to delete Disk Partition as Delete Volume option is greyed out on Windows 10

Unable to delete Disk Partition as Delete Volume option is greyed out on Windows 10

If you are running low on disk space, you may want to delete your hard drive partitions/volumes which is not being used to free up some space for the volume that is almost full. Typically, you can use the Disk Management utility to delete hard drive partitions in Windows 10. However,in some cases, the Delete Volume option is greyed out, making it impossible for users to delete partitions. In this post, we will describe why you may be faced with this issue, as well as present how best you can resolve this issue.

Delete Volume option is greyed out

If the Delete Volume option is greyed out for you in Disk Management on Windows 10, it can be due to the following factors:

Can't delete Disk Partition on Windows 10

If you're faced with this issue, you can try either of our recommended solutions below to resolve the issue.

  1. Manage Page File on the partition
  2. Use 3rd-party software

Let's take a look at the description of the process involved concerning each of the listed solutions.

1] Manage Page File on the partition

This solution requires you to disable the Page file saved on the volume that you want to remove.

Do the following:

You can now run Disk Management again. Select the volume you want to delete again. The Delete Volume option should be active, and you can delete the selected volume.

If this solution didn't work for you, you can try the next solution.

Related: Delete Volume option is greyed out for USB Flash drive.

2] Use 3rd-party software

This solution requires you to use any third-party partition software like the EaseUS Partition Master software to delete a partition.

Once you have downloaded and installed EaseUS Partition Master, you can follow the instructions below to delete a partition/volume:

That's it! Either of these solutions should work for you.

TIP: See this post if the Extend Volume option is grayed out or disabled.

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