
Windows 10 keeps adding Keyboard layouts without permission

Windows 10 keeps adding Keyboard layouts without permission

After installing Windows 10 v1803 update, one of the under-reported problems is where Windows 10 keeps adding keyboard layouts without permission. As you add new languages, it starts appearing in the language bar and cannot be removed from the Keyboard Layouts at all.

One of the people reported that it also included English US - Greek (220) Latin Keyboard and English UK, despite having English US already.

The problem that arises because of this is that it makes switching really hard when somebody is just using two languages. Also, it keeps switching layout as you type. Punctuation changes at any time and you will need to switch keyboard layout back to what I chose and correct the mistake.

Read: How to change Windows 10 Keyboard Layout.

Windows 10 keeps adding Keyboard layouts

There are two ways to fix this problem. First is manually add those to layout, and remove it, and second is using Powershell.

First Method: The temporary solution is adding the automatically-added layout manually from language preferences window and then remove that layout again. For some reason, Windows 10 randomly adds that English US layout, and as someone who uses two layouts, it makes quick switching harder (you need one more keypress, and if you need to switch a lot in a short time, it becomes frustrating.)

Note that may randomly reappear again, and you will have to repeat the step again. This is definitely a bug which Microsoft needs to fix.

Second Method: If you use PowerShell, you can use it to override Microsoft's default and weird language settings then it does not jump around anymore. You need to find InputTip and Culture settings for your desired settings of course. They can be found online in Microsoft IT Pros documentation.

Set-WinCultureFromLanguageListOptOut -OptOut 1 Set-WinUILanguageOverride -Language en-US Set-WinDefaultInputMethodOverride -InputTip "0426:00040426" Set-Culture lv-LV 

Keep this PowerShell script handy, and execute it whenever you see the layout appear again. If this is happening in your company or a large number of computers, you can use run this script when somebody logs in to the computer.

Are you facing similar problems? Do your keyboard jumps to a different language as you type? Let us know if this solution fixed your problem.

This post will help you if you are unable to remove a Language from Windows 10.

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