Multiple Monitors

Windows 8 gets first official theme from Microsoft Nightfall and Starlight

Windows 8 gets first official theme from Microsoft Nightfall and Starlight

Windows 8 gets first official theme from Microsoft! Called the Nightfall and Starlight panoramic theme, this theme contains 9 wide-screen wallpapers and is meant to be used on Windows 8 only.

The theme contains panoramic images which will automatically extend across both displays of a dual-monitor setup, provided both the computer monitors have the same resolution settings. If the displays are of different sizes or if they have different resolution settings, a different image will appear in each monitor. But this theme can also be used on a single monitor, but on single monitor setups, the center part of the image only, will be visible.

Explore distant galaxies, verdant meadows, steep mountains, and serene seas without ever leaving your chair.

The theme also shifts your glass color to match each stunning, wide-angle image.

So if you have installed Windows 8 CP or Windows 8 DP, you can head over to Microsoft to download it.

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