
Windows Azure Mobile Service Add a cloud-based backend service to Windows Apps

Windows Azure Mobile Service Add a cloud-based backend service to Windows Apps

If you are an app developer, you should probably read this post. A new capability has been added to windows Azure today called Windows Azure Mobile Services in an effort to provide super easy way to build out your app ideas and back them with cloud storage.

We know mobile applications gain more power and connect better when paired with services running in the cloud; hence the service. Using it as a platform, developers will have at hand a chance to store data in the cloud and integrate user authentication into their applications using preferred credentials (Facebook, Twitter, etc). Moreover, they will be able to send out push notifications to clients.

Having said that, for using the service a user need to create a Windows Azure account that has the Windows Azure Mobile Services feature enabled. If you do not have the one, create a free trial account and enable preview features. It's a matter of few minutes! Also, In order to develop using the Azure Mobile Services platform, one needs to download Visual Studio 2012 Express and the Mobile Services Managed SDK.

Using Windows Azure Mobile Service

There is a nice tutorial at the Windows Azure site, that shows you how to add a cloud-based backend service to a Windows 8 app using Windows Azure Mobile Services. The first step is to create a mobile service. So let's see how to do it first.

Create a Mobile Service:

For creating a new mobile service follow the steps below.

Create a New App:

This will help you create a new Windows 8 app that is connected to your mobile service. To do this,

Running Windows App:

To run your Windows app,

Image Credits and Source: Windows Azure Mobile Service Page.

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