Media Players

Yarock - An Elegant Desktop Music Player for Linux

Yarock - An Elegant Desktop Music Player for Linux

Yarock is a modern good looking desktop music player for linux, and its packed with great features. It is designed to provide you with an easy as well as easy to use music browser based on cover art. Furthermore, it's an easy to build app with a minimal set of dependancies, and offers the choose of differents audio back-end. B Before we proceed on how to install yarock on Ubuntu, lets take a quick look at its features.

Yarock Desktop Music Player Features

How to install Yarock Desktop Music Player on Ubuntu 17.04 and below

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarock

How to uninstall Yarock Desktop Music Player from Ubuntu

sudo apt remove yarock
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