Fonts - сторінка 2

Create your own Fonts free with this freeware and online tool
Yesterday, we saw some online services which let you create fonts from your own handwriting. Today, I will tell you about two free tools  that will le...
FontFrenzy Free Font Manager for Windows PC
These days because every other program wants to install their custom fonts. This may create a heap of unwanted fonts on your Windows computer, which c...
TypeWonder Test Google Web Fonts on any website
Google Fonts is a large free font repository by the web giant. You can get tons of free fonts to use on desktop as well as websites. If you manage you...
Font Load-Unload Load and Unload fonts without installing, uninstalling them
Installing too many fonts on your Windows can affect the performance of your system. It may delay the launching of your Microsoft Word application and...
Fix Font size problem when working with multiple apps in Windows 10
Many people have faced an issue which causes different Font size to display in different apps when working with multiple apps on Windows PC. Many time...
Convert Mac font to Windows-compatible font using DfontSplitter
If you are a Mac user and use Windows system for occasional work, you will find that Mac has some beautiful collection of fonts which are not availabl...
Best Free Graffiti Creator & Online Generators and Fonts
Graffiti is one of the most creative ways to write and express your views. The best part, one can draw it anywhere they want. On a wall, car, door any...
Windows 10 Font Settings How to download Fonts from the Microsoft Store
Fonts finally have a special spot in Windows 10 Settings. I have been using Windows for years, and Fonts have been one of my favorite features to fidd...
How to rebuild Font cache in Windows 10
The Windows operating system creates a cache for the fonts so that they can load faster every time you start a program, app, Explorer, etc. But if you...