
Cloud addressable challenges faced by today's Enterprise

Cloud addressable challenges faced by today's Enterprise

There are many challenges which today's enterprises faces to have an edge over their competitors. Let us discuss some of them:

1.       Infrastructure costs are fixed and ongoing, and distract from the mission of reducing business process friction.

2.       How to effectively use past investments to get maximum future value.

3.       Many data centers at limit-real estate, capacity, cooling and power.

4.       Matching capacity to demand.

5.       Security, access and transparency across value chain.

6.       Lack of a common platform.

When we are working in a non-cloud view environment, there are many barriers of innovation in the beginning, due to huge investments in IT infrastructure, lack of IT skills, etc, which lead to waste of capacities sometimes.

We may also face under-supply of capacities, due to inadequate resources at that point of time, because we  may not have any automatic memory management, scalability etc. In short we may not get what we planned for,  from our investments in IT infrastructure.

But when we come to a cloud view we have less initial investments in IT infrastructure primarily because we use “Pay as you go” model. In such a scenario, we don't have to worry about over supply or under supply of resources because everything is being managed by a third party vendor (in case of public clouds ).

Security patches, software upgrades, memory management, etc, all being managed by them. This provides massive scalability along with reduction in costs leading to Business profits by optimizing operational costs and improved quality of services.

Windows Azure is an offering by Microsoft which allows organization to rise from “Small to Big” enterprises .

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