Windows Apps

Download & Install Windows 8 App updates

Download & Install Windows 8 App updates

It is always a good idea to keep your operating system, software and now your Windows Apps updated to their latest available versions. All of us are familiar with how to update the first two. In this post, we will take about how to update Windows 8 applications, which you would have installed from the Windows Store.

How to update Windows 8 Apps

Whenever updates are available for any of the Windows apps, you will see a notification (numeral) on the Windows Store tile on your start screen.

If you'd like to check for and download and apply the updates manually, open the Windows Store app and the open the Charms Bar and click on App updates.

Here you can set it to Automatically download updates for my apps, which is anyway the default setting. Clicking on Check for updates button will check if any updates are available.

You will be informed as to the number of updates available. Tap or click on Install at the bottom bar.

Installation will commence.

Till the time the apps are being updated, you will see a cross sign on its tile on the start screen.

Once the apps are updated, you will be informed accordingly.

To see the version of any app installed, open the app and then open Charms Bar > Settings and click on Permissions.

Have you checked out the cool Fresh Paint for Windows 8 app, by the way?

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