
Dropout A portable search tool for USB drives and Dropbox folder

Dropout A portable search tool for USB drives and Dropbox folder

Ever felt the need to search the contents of your USB Flash or external drive? In such cases Windows Search may not be of much help as Windows Search only searches file types it know about so that can rule out lots of different files.

Free search tool for USB drives

Dropout is a free and portable tool that will let you not only search your USB / external drives, but also you Dropbox folder.

This tool, written in C#, uses the Lucene full text search library and IFilter's to search the content of your files.

To use this tool, simply place the program .exe file in the directory you want to search.

The search is super-fast and many a times takes less than a second. You can also set it to search one or multiple directories or to even exclude one or more directories. The indexing is incremental and takes place for all files. The background indexing allows you to search during indexing

Dropout free download

You can download it and get more information on it from its home page on Codeplex.

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