
How to Enable Offline Access to Google Drive Documents on your Windows PC

How to Enable Offline Access to Google Drive Documents on your Windows PC

Google Drive v1.9 for Windows brings a new feature to Google Drive - Offline access along with some bug fixes. As you might have guessed, the feature allows offline access to Google Documents from Google Drive website. However, there are 2 pre-requisites,

The second condition ensures a Google Drive folder is created on your computer. Files from Google Drive on the web including Google Docs files, will sync to the folder.


When you install the Google Drive client on your system a small Drive icon should become visible on the taskbar.

If these 2 conditions are met, you can have offline access to your most recent Google documents stored on drive.google.com. This means you can open and edit Google documents from drive folder and the changes made will be synced automatically when internet connection is established. This can help you save both, time and efforts even during long hours of power cuts.

Enable Offline Access to Google Drive Documents

There are following steps involved,

Any changes made to files will be synced when internet connection is restored.


That's it!

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