Installing GCC and C/C++ Build Tools on CentOS 8

Installing GCC and C/C++ Build Tools on CentOS 8
In this article, I am going to show you how to install GCC and all the required C/C++ build tools on CentOS 8 for developing C/C++ programs. So, let's get started.

Installing GCC and C/C++ Build Tools:

First, update the YUM package repository cache with the following command:

$ sudo yum makecache

The YUM package repository cache should be updated.

On CentOS 8, all the C/C++ development tools can be installed very easily by installing the Development Tools group.

$ sudo yum grouplist

To install the Development Tools group of packages, run the following command:

$ sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

To confirm the installation, press Y and then press .

YUM package manager should download all the packages from the internet and install them on your CentOS 8 machine.

At this point, GCC and all the required C/C++ build tools should be installed.

To confirm whether GCC is working correctly, run the following command:

$ gcc --version

As you can see, GCC is working correctly.

Now, to check whether G++ is working correctly, run the following command:

$ g++ --version

As you can see, G++ is working correctly.

To check whether make tool is working correctly, run the following command:

$ make --version

As you can see, make is working correctly.

Writing Your First C and C++ Program:

In this section, I am going to show you how to write your first C and C++ program, compile them using GCC and run them. So, let's continue,

NOTE: A C program source file must end with the extension .c and C++ program source file must end with the extension .cpp. You must always remember that.

First, create a C program source file hello.c and type in the following lines of codes.

int main(void)
printf("Hello world from LinuxHint!\n");

The final source code file should look like this.

Once you've written your C program, navigate to the directory (in my case ~/codes directory) where you saved the hello.c C source file as follows:

$ cd ~/codes

As you can see, the hello.c C source file is in this directory.

Now, to compile the C source file hello.c, run the following command:

$ gcc hello.c

If you don't specify a name for the compiled binary/executable file, a.out will be the default name for the compile binary/executable file.

If you want to give your compiled binary/executable file a name i.e. hello, compile the C source file hello.c with the following command:

$ gcc -o hello hello.c

NOTE: Here, -o option defines the output file or compiled binary/executable file name.

Once the C source file hello.c is compiled, a new compiled binary/executable file hello should be generated as you can see in the screenshot below.

$ ls -lh

Now, run the compiled binary/executable file hello as follows:

$ ./hello

As you can see, the desired output is printed on the screen.

Now, create a new C++ source file hello.cpp and type in the following lines of codes.

using namespace std;
int main(void)
cout << "C++: Hello world from LinuxHint!" << endl;

The final source code file should look like this.

As you can see, the hello.cpp C++ source file is in the ~/codes directory.

$ ls -lh

Now, compile the C++ source file hello.cpp and give the compiled binary/executable file a name hello-cpp with the following command:

$ g++ -o hello-cpp hello.cpp

Once the C++ source file hello.cpp is compiled, a new compiled binary/executable file hello-cpp should be created as you can see in the screenshot below.

Now, run the hello-cpp compiled binary/executable file as follows:

$ ./hello-cpp

As you can see, the desired output is printed on the screen.

So, that's how you install GCC and C/C++ build tools on CentOS 8 and write your first C/C++ programs. Thanks for reading this article.

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