
New Features in Fedora 26

New Features in Fedora 26

Fedora 26 is now available to download! It is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit editions, and comes in a total of seventeen different versions!  Fedora 26 Workstation (GNOME) is the most popular of their releases, which is nothing but the regular OS installed on desktops and laptops.

Here is a complete list of their editions just-in-case if you wanted to know:

Fedora 26 Editions:

New Features in Fedora 26

Significant new updates in Fedora 26 include:

Download Links

Fedora 26 Workstation

Fedora 26 Server

Fedora 26 Atomic Host'

In case you are looking to download other editions, head-over to the Fedora official announcement page using the source link below.

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