
New Multi-monitor options introduced in Windows 8

New Multi-monitor options introduced in Windows 8

Microsoft has introduced some new options and  features in Windows 8, which will make things easier and flexible for you, if you are using multiple monitors.

The new options which have been introduced in Windows 8 now allow you to display the Start screen on one monitor and the desktop on the other.

You will also be able to display different desktop backgrounds on each monitor or stretch your image across both. The choice is completely yours!

You now also have the option to have duplicate or unique task bars on each monitor.

Choose to have one start button on your left monitor and skip it on your others. Reserve the other monitor/s for your taskbar icons if you wish.

In short, make your  multiple monitors work as one big workspace now!

Stay tuned, as we will be unravelling more Windows 8 features and news from time to time You might want to consider Following us on Twitter, Connecting with us on Facebook or Subscribing to our RSS Feeds.

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