Media Players

Nuclear Music Player - An Electron-based Music Streaming Player

Nuclear Music Player - An Electron-based Music Streaming Player

Nuclear Music Player is a nice looking free music streaming app that pulls its content from various free sources all over the internet (includes YouTube, BC Bandcamp, SoundCloud, Vimeo etc). This is similar to mps-youtube, but the difference is nuclear is comes with a GUI interface. Furthermore, nulcear can automatically scrobble to hence helping you to keep track of all the songs played. Before we proceed on how to install nuclear music player on Ubuntu, lets take a quick look at its features.

Nuclear Music Player Features

How to install Nuclear Music Player on Ubuntu 17.04 & Below

sudo apt install gdebi wget sudo gdebi nuclear-george-linux-x64.deb

How to remove Nuclear Music Player from Ubuntu

sudo apt remove nuclear
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